Global Village

Global Village Concept: Global Village concept, created in the 60’s by Herbert Marshall McLuhan, professor at the School of Communication of…

Global Village Concept

Global Village concept, created in the 60’s by Herbert Marshall McLuhan, professor at the School of Communication of the University of Toronto, is directly related with the globalization concept and corresponds to a new vision of the world possible trough the development of the modern information technologies and of communication and by the easiness and quickness of transportation.

According to McLuhan, the information electronically transmitted contributes to virtually abolish the geographic separations among the decision centers, of production and distribution worldwide. The electronic means of remote communication allowed not only extend the powers of population’s social organization, but abolish, in great measure, its special fragmentation, allowing that any event in a remote part of the world have reflexes in another geographically distant.

The consequences of this new way to see the world has strong consequences at the management level, rising new challenges and leading to the need of development of new strategies and creation of new organizational structures.

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