Tapada de Mafra

The Tapada Nacional de Mafra, or simply Tapada de Mafra, is a preserved forest area located in Sobral da Abelheira, in the village of Mafra, in the district of Lisbon, that has about 1187 hectares, and where multiple species of natural fauna and flora can be found.

The Tapada de Mafra was first created in 1797, by orders of king João V, who wanted to create a recreation area near the Mafra Palace that was being constructed at the time. Its original name was Real Tapada de Mafra, and this forest area was frequently visited by the various kings and their families and court, to hunt or just to spend some time near the Nature, between the XVIII and XIX centuries.

After the end of the monarchy and implementation of a Republic in Portugal, the place was renamed Tapada Nacional de Mafra, but it continued to be used to the same purposes.

Regarding the local fauna, the most common animal species in this forest are deer, boars, foxes, bats, birds of prey and several types of reptiles. The species of trees that are more abundant in the area are pine trees, cork trees, oaks and chestnut trees.

Nowadays the Tapada de Mafra is still a natural hunting reserve, and it also allows visitors to engage in multiple activities, like guided tours, bird prey shows and several events, and it also has an area for rural tourism, where people can spend some days in total communion with Nature.

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