
Epic is a literary genre that is mainly characterized by the description of heroic achievements that can even be considered legendary. The word “epic” is commonly used to refer an unforgettable and unparalleled act or happening, just like it occurs in the narratives that belong to this specific genre.

Normally, epic texts are poetry, but they can also be in prose, even though it is not quite as common, and the facts descripted can be real, fictional or a mixture of both, which is, the author can be inspired in true events and then add some imaginary characters and events (as happens, for example, in “The Lusiads”, by Luís Vaz de Camões, where the author describes accurately the History of Portugal through times, adding as well some fictional elements). Epic texts are also known to commonly have a main character, and epic hero that overcomes every obstacle that comes his way, always reaching is goals with bravery, being a perfect conjugation of physical strength an intelligence and always demonstrating courage and empathy for others.

Due to the diversity of events descripted, and great length in time of the story, normally epic texts are quite long. Besides the example aforementioned, there are other very well-known works that belong to the epic genre, namely “Aeneid”, by Virgil, “Don Quixote”, by Miguel de Cervantes, and the most famous examples, “Iliad” and “Odyssey”, by Homer.

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