HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a type of workout constituted by periods of high intensity effort, as the name indicates, and during those periods the individual must make exercises that push their body capability to the limit, followed by short intervals, that can be total pauses of a few seconds, or periods where an exercise with lower intensity is executed. Given the effort it implies, HIIT have normally a short duration, rarely passing the 45 minutes.

Even though there are several variations of a HITT, normally this training starts with a brief period of warm-up that is intended to prepare the body to execute the following exercises; normally a HIIT has exercises that combine speed and strength, such as burpees, mountain climbers or tuck jumps. All the movements must be executed with the highest intensity and highest number of repetitions as possible along a brief period, commonly below one minute, followed by a short rest time that can be total immobilization or active recovery. It is also common to introduce exercises focused only on strength and on the activation of specific muscle groups, such as squats or push-ups. A HIIT is then divided into warm-up, cardio and strength exercises, with several repetitions of each one, and is finished with a stretching session.

This kind of training helps to lose body fat, and consequently weight, because the high intensity of the workout speeds metabolism, and keeps it functioning faster for several hours after the end of the training session. Besides, given the fact that HIIT combines cardio exercises that need fast movements, with exercises that improve strength and resistance, it is also a good workout to develop body muscle.

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