Technological Context

Technological Context Concept: Technological concept designates a group of contextual variables with influence in performance and…

Technological Context Concept

Technological concept designates a group of contextual variables with influence in performance and in the activity of a company or organization and reflects the society’s technical progress, which conditions the innovations at the productive processes and products’ level.

Are examples of Technological Context variables the following:

  • Technological innovations: Can consist in important market differentiation sources, if the organizations know how to explore the new technologies’ potential. One of the most updated examples is the real internet and electronic commerce boom, which has been opening new opportunities especially for small and medium companies. On the contrary, the lack of focus to the technical developments can be fatal for less competitive producers. Processes’ innovations are also important, since it’s not enough to introduce new products, it’s also needed to know how to improve the manufacturing processes and commercialization of the existing range of products.
  • Legal aspects in the geographic countries or markets where the organization operates, namely: patents’ legislation and protection; investigation and development incentive programs; adoption or not of international quality standards. Any one of these variables has, without a doubt, a strong influence in the organizations day-to-day, conditioning its strategy and its goals.
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