Tableau de Bord

Tableau de Bord Concept

The French expression “Tableau de Bord”, designates a management control instrument where is usually made the comparison between a certain desired value and the value effectively realized, allowing this way the evaluation of deviations referent to goals set out. Tableau de Bord can be built for any management areas as long as the goals are set out and quantified. To effectively fulfill its functions, Tableau de Bord should present itself very synthetic, fast and frequent and has as goals the reduction of uncertainty of the decision taking by filtering the information and this way contribute for a better risk control.

Main functions performed by the Tableau de Bord:

  • Reduce Uncertainty: Tableau de Bord offers a better perception of the reality contributing to reduce uncertainty which precludes the decision taking.
  • Stabilize Information: The company is dynamic and the information unstable by nature. Stabilize and filter information and simply presenting the essential is indispensable for who takes decisions.
  • Contribute for a Better Risks Control: For each decision is associated a risk. With the Tableau de Bord, each responsible in a decision situation has available a structured vision of the space of action, according to the chosen development options.
  • To Ease Communication: When the Tableau de Bord is used by a work group, also performs a common referential role in the unified perception of the situation.
  • Stimulate Reflection: Tableau de Bord isn’t only destined to manage alerts. Also proposes effective analysis tools to study situation and suggests reflection elements.

Steps to an elaboration of a Tableau de Bord:

  • Goals Selection: In this first step is necessary to select the goals to achieve in the several areas of the company. In the goals identification and selection process, seeks to, in each responsible centre, to define the results’ areas in which are fundamental, or vital, that the responsibility centre achieves good results in that period.
  • Indicators selection: defined the goals, should then proceed to the selection of indicators for each one of the goals.
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