Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Concept

Strategic planning corresponds to the attempt of foreseeing and to give a timely response to the happenings that come to be verified in the surroundings through the definition and structuring of the long term general performance lines, in order to achieve the proposed goals. Strategic planning can be divided in:

  • Corporative level strategic plan: defines the type of activity/business in which the organization should to be present, which the results to obtain in each business and which the necessary resources; usually is performed by top managers;
  • Business unit level strategic plan: establishes products and services to offer and the way how are allocated the resources that were destined to it; usually is performed by the responsible for each business unit;
  • Functional level strategic plan: defines the strategies at each function’s level, namely commercial and marketing strategy, investigation and development, production, financial and personnel; usually is performed by the functional managers.
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