McClelland Needs Theory

McClelland Needs Theory Presentation: Developed in the decade of 60 of the past century by David McClelland, McClelland Needs Theory is…

McClelland Needs Theory Presentation

Developed in the decade of 60 of the past century by David McClelland, McClelland Needs Theory is one of the many theories that seek to explain the employees’ motivations through the satisfaction of their needs. In this theory, McClelland highlights what he called acquired needs, this is, the needs that people develop with their experience along their life, as they interact with others and their environment. Among these, there are three which according to McClelland assume special relevance, namely:

  • The need of achievement, which reflects the person’s desire in achieving goals which represent challenges in better doing and more efficiently;
  • The need of power, this is, the desire to control, decide and influence or be responsible for the performance of others;
  • The need of affiliation, which represents the desire to keep close personal relationships and friendships.

According to McClelland, despite in different levels, all people have these three types of needs. However, only one of them will prevail and define its way of performance.

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