Justice Model (Ethic)

Justice Model (Ethic)presentation: Justice Model is an ethic model for the decision taking that evaluates the decisions and…

Justice Model (Ethic)

Justice Model is an ethic model for the decision taking that evaluates the decisions and behaviors in order to identify the equality in the benefits distribution and the costs among the individuals and groups. Therefore, is consistent with Kholbergs’ stadium of universal principles.

Justice concepts, equality and impartiality are supported by the following principles:

  • Distributive justice principle: indicates that the individuals aren’t treated differently based on characteristics arbitrarily defined. The individuals who are the same in relevant aspects should be treated equally, while the individuals who are different in relevant aspects should be treated in the proportion of their differences;
  • Fairness principle: indicates that the employees’ should accept the organizations rules whenever the following conditions are verified: the organization is fair and the employees voluntarily accept the benefits offered by it; the employees follow the organizations’ rules, even if these rules may restrain the individual choices;
  • Duty principle: decisions and behaviors are based on a variety of universal obligations such as not insult others and not cause unnecessary suffering.
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