
Brainstorming Concept: Brainstorming is a method of collective generation of new ideas through the contribution and participation of several individuals in…

Brainstorming Concept

Brainstorming is a method of collective generation of new ideas through the contribution and participation of several individuals in a group. The use of this method is based on the assumption that one group generates more ideas than individuals alone and is, hence, an important source of innovation through the development of creative and promissory thoughts.

Brainstorming thoughts can be structured in a rigid form around a certain goal or in a completely free way, depending on the top managers.

However, to encourage participation and creativity, the managers tend to give total freedom and not criticize in these sessions.

After the brainstorming session, where dozens of ideas can be generated, it is necessary to make choices taking away all of those that are not adequate to the company’s goals, to financial capacity, technical or administrative.

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