
7 P’s Model

7 P’s Model Concept: 7 P’s Model, also known as “Extended Marketing Mix”, is a model introduced by Booms and Bitner and that expands the…

Above The Line

Above The Line Concept Above-The-Line is an accountancy expression that refers to the set of sections of gains and losses that appear over the value of the net result. This terminology was after spread to the publicity domain to designate the share of the marketing budget to be applied in traditional communication sources (like for […]


AIDA Concept The term AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), designates a tool or a model of communication management highly used in marketing and seeks to describe the mental states through which the consumers go in a process of purchase of products or services. The goal of the model application is to seek for solutions that […]

Bibeault Model

Bibeault Model Concept: Bibeault Model is a model developed by Donald Bibeault and that seeks to help the managers identify…

Bonoma Implementation Model

Bonoma Implementation Model Concept: Bonoma Implementation Model, developed by Thomas Bonoma, professor at Harvard Business School…


Branding Concept The literal meaning of Branding is the allocation of a brand to a product or service. However, the true meaning of the term Branding goes way beyond and means to perform the differentiation of a product or service and help define a certain positioning through the allocation of a brand and/or an identifying […]


Client Concept: In most contexts’ is considered as client of an entity whoever decides the purchase of a certain good or service offered by…

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance Concept: The expression Cognitive Dissonance designates a theory proposed in the twentieth century decade of…

Commercial Management

Commercial Management Concept: Commercial management is one of the traditional management functional areas found in any organization and to…


Communication Concept: Communication represents one of the most important tools that the leaders have at their disposal to..

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