

Interferons are important components of the immune system that trigger cellular defences in response to infection by viruses or bacteria and tumour formation (…)

Intermediate Filaments

Intermediate Filaments definition Intermediate Filaments refers to filaments of fibrous proteins that form the cytoskeleton and give strength and mechanical strength to cells. Cytoskeleton Cytoskeleton is present in virtually all cells and is the cellular constituent responsible for maintaining cell’s shape and assisting in movement. Cytoskeleton consists of three types of filaments: actin filaments, intermediate […]


Interphase definition Interphase refers to the phase between two successive mitoses, during which chromosomes are relaxed and functionally active and where an intense metabolic activity takes place. It is the longest phase of cell cycle and is subdivided into G1 stage, S stage and G2 stage. Cell Cycle Cell cycle is divided into two successive […]

X Chromosome Inactivation

X Chromosome Inactivation definition Mammalian females are characterized by having two X chromosomes, unlike males having only one. Thus, if all genes on both X chromosomes were expressed and produce products, females would have twice as much protein as males have, which would have fatal consequences for females. However, this event is avoided by a […]

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