Conflict of interests are situations in which the position of a determined agent does not allow him to comply with full rigor and exemption the tasks entrusted to him by third parties.
Defensive assets mean assets for which the effects of inflation and currency devaluation are minimized. This term refers, in particular, to real assets such as real estate and precious metals such as gold.
A financial asset means any asset that is money, equity instrument of another entity or a contractual right to receive cash.
Liquidity trap is the designation given to a monetary-financial event that occurs when the interest rate is very low.
Monetary aggregates can be defined as the currency measures used in the monetary policy.
The PFC – Public Finance Council is an independent body that monitors compliance with Portuguese fiscal rules and the sustainability of public finances.
Public Development Aid consists of assistance provided by public bodies to developing countries, seeking to promote development and human rights indicators.
The Social Impact Stock Exchange, created in 2009, is a platform for financing civil society institutions and, like the traditional stock exchange, replicates its operation, aiming to channel investment to projects / organizations, promoting a investors and organizations / projects that need funding.
A análise estratégica de atores consiste na análise das relações de influência/dependência que aqueles mantêm entre si, em relação a um determinado foco estratégico.