Tjalling Koopmans (1910-1986)
Tjalling Charles Koopmans nasceu em Gravelines, Holanda em 1910. No início da Segunda Guerra Mundial, ele emigrou para os Estados Unidos, onde ele foi naturalizado. Ele ganhou o Prémio Nobel de Economia em 1975, partilhado com o economista soviético Leonid Kantorovich Vitaliyevich pelas suas contribuições para a teoria da alocação ótima de recursos.
Tjalling Koopmans estudou física e matemática na Universidade de Utrecht e obteve um doutoramento em estatística e economia na Universidade de Leiden. Foi consultor financeiro para a Liga das Nações em Genebra (1938-1940). Ele ensinou nas Universidades de Chicago (1946-1955) e Yale. Diretor da Comissão de Cowles (1944-1954) e membro da Fundação Cowles em Yale (1961-1967).
Principais obras e papers
- Linear Regression Analysis of Economic Time Series, 1937.
- “The Logic of Econometric Business Cycle Research”, 1941, JPE.
- “Statistical Estimation of Simultaneous Economic Relations”, 1945, JASA.
- “Measurement without Theory”, 1947, REStat.
- “A Reply to Vining”, 1949, REStat.
- “Identification Problems in Economic Model Construction” 1949, Econometrica
- “Optimum Utilization of the Transportation System”, 1949, Proceedings of the International Statistical Conference
- “The Econometric Approach to Business Fluctuations”, 1949, AER.
- “Utility Analysis of Decisions Affecting Future Well-Being”, 1950, Econometrica
- Editor of Statistical Inference in Dynamic Economic Models, 1950.
- “The Identification of Structural Characteristics” with O. Reiersol, 1950, Annals of Mathematical Statistics
- “Efficient Allocation of Resources”, 1951, Econometrica.
- “A Model of Transportation”, with S.Reiter, in Koopmans, 1951.
- “Analysis of Production as an Efficient Combination of Activities”, in Koopmans, 1951.
- Editor of Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation, 1951.
- “Activity Analysis and Its Applications”, 1953, AER.
- Three Essays on the State of Economic Science, 1957.
- “Assignment Problems and the Location of Economic Activities” with M.J. Beckmann, 1957, Econometrica
- “Water Storage Policy in a Simplified Hydroelectric System” 1957, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operational Research
- “Selected Topics in Economics Involving Mathematical Reasoning” with A.F. Bausch, 1959, SIAM Review
- “Stationary Ordinal Utility and Impatience”, 1960, Econometrica.
- “Convexity Assumptions, Allocative Efficiency and Competitive Equilibrium”, 1961, JPE.
- “On Flexibility of Future Preferences”, 1964 in Bryan and Shelley, editors, Human Judgments and Optimality.
- “Economic Growth at a Maximal Rate”, 1964, QJE.
- “Stationary Utility and Time Preference”, with P. Diamond and R.E. Williamson, 1964, Econometrica.
- On the Existence of a Subinvariant Measure” with R.E. Williamson, 1964, Proceedings of Konnikl. Akad. van Wetenschappen
- “On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth”, 1965, Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia
- “Intertemporal Distribution and Optimal Aggregate Economic Growth”, 1967, in Fellner, editor, Ten Economic Studies in the Tradition of Irving Fisher.
- “Objectives, Constraints and Outcomes in Optimal Growth Models”, 1967, Econometrica.
- “Note on a Social System Composed of Hierarchies with Overlapping Personnel”, 1969, Orbis Economicus.
- “Maximizing Stationary Utility in a Constant Technology” with R. Beals, 1969, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics
- Scientific Papers of Tjalling C. Koopmans, Volume I, 1970.
- “A Model of a Continuing State with Scarce Capital”, 1971, ZfN
- “On the Description and Comparison of Economic Systems” with J.M. Montias, 1971, in Eckstein, editor, Comparison of Economic Systems.
- “On the Definition and Computation of a Capital Stock Invariant Under Optimization”, with T. Hansen, 1972, JET
- “Representation of Preference Ordering with Independent Components of Consumption”, 1972, in McGuire and Radner, editors, Decision and Organization.
- “Representation of Preference Orderings Over Time”, 1972, in McGuire and Radner, editors, Decision and Organization.
- “Some Observations on Optimal Economic Growth and Exhaustible Resources”, 1973, in Bos et al, editors, Economic Structure and Development.
- “Is the Theory of Competitive Equilibrium With It?”, 1974, AER.
- “Proof for a Case where Discounting Advances Doomsday”, 1974, RES.
- “Concepts of Optimality and their Uses”, 1977, AER.
- “Examples of Production Relations Based on Microdata”, 1977, in G.C. Harcourt, editor, Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics
- “Economics Among the Sciences”, 1979, AER.
- “The Transition from Exhaustible to Renewable or Inexhaustible Resources”, 1981, in Economic Growth and Resources
- “Additively Decomposed Quasiconcave Functions”, with G. Debreu, 1982, Mathematical Programming.
- Scientific Papers of Tjalling C. Koopmans, Volume II, 1985.
Karier, Thomas (2011). Intellectual Capital – Forty years of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.